Fantastical Mr Fox

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What is Normal

Recently one of my clients (who's looks awesome) started to become upset because she can no longer fit in to jeans the way she used to. Originally she came to me with a goal of more muscular and shapely legs/bum. She loves lifting weights so getting that was super easy with some hard work and time. She has that now but because she's not the size of stick insect jeans have started to feel tight. She was worried that she had put on body fat. We tested this to ensure this hadn't happened and guess what, she had less body fat since we last tested.

Until she went shopping for clothes she was super happy with way she looks. The rest of the world doesn't think so and now it's made her feel like she needs to lose weight. This lady has less than 20% body fat at an age of mid 50's (that's low body fat if you're wondering) I mean for Christ sake she looks fab but now she's debating whether she wants to train with weights. Something that has made her feel amazing and changed her shape now has come under fire because clothes brands don't make clothes for individuals.

Media has a lot to answer for.

I have a similar issue with getting everyday clothes to fit too. Not fitness wear though. That sort of stuff is super easy to buy as its stretchy. Mmmmmm lycra......

Obviously I could just wear gym clothes everyday but sometimes I want to wear other stuff. The type of clothes you wear when you go out for a meal or grab a coffee with a friend. I have the same problem as my client. I just don't fit in to clothes

Here's why

I'm 5 feet 7 at 90kg at around 10ish% body fat. Not super low but I have a 6 pack so pretty low.

So I'm a little wide around my shoulders, chest, back etc. plus I have legs like tree trunks.

I simply don't fit in to clothes without a fight. The other option is I get clothes that fit the bigger areas but they look baggy around the waist etc. My waist is 30-32ish on any given day. Yes your waist can increase in size that much in a short time. I have an ass too, so getting in to shorts of the combat variety is also an issue. Even a size 36 inch waist doesn't fit either.

This makes buying everyday clothes super hard and really, really, really, really annoying.

You'll find the more you look better naked the more problems you'll have getting in to clothes. Some of us just have lumps and bumps in different places. 

To be normal I seem to have to be either super skinny (my arms wouldn't fit in those jeans) or the size of a house with a mega big waist.

My client and myself don't fit in to what is called normal sized clothes.

That got me thinking....


We're told that we should be a size this and size that every day.

One minute a woman is normal who's a size 8 because woman should be small and petite. Next a size 14 is perfectly OK because it looks more womanly. That's nearly double the size. There's so many mixed messages it's hard to know what you should be like.

Men seem to be having it hard too. It's either you should be a real man (what the hell is a real man anyway) with broad shoulders and stubble. Then it's the super skinny boy band look that's in touch with his feminine side. What is normal?

Take a lot at the photos and think to yourself which is normal in your eyes.


You've chosen based on your own beliefs and wants, not what's supposedly normal.

We all come in shapes and sizes. Some of us are tall (thats me obviously ;-) ) some are short. Some have low body fat and some carry a little extra around the waist. Some have really muscular physiques and some look like they run. All are normal for each individual.

As long as you're in pretty good health who gives a shit if you don't look like that starved celebrity. You shouldn't care either. Ok you should at least wash now and again you dirty bugger!

Trying to be what others want you to be is not only an impossible goal, it'll make you miserable.

Living up to perfect is always going to end in tears.

I'm not saying give up on life and looking good. I'm saying try to be the best you can be without the restrictions of what society and media dictates.

Living up to everyone else will never end and you'll always be trying to be something you can never be. It's like me trying to be 6 feet tall, it's never going to happen.

Some people may never have a six pack or completely rid themselves of that little bulge on the hips, and you know what thats ok.

Life is super hard these days. We have many more pressures that we did years ago (ok most are our own but nether the less they're there).

Changing your body shape is super hard. It takes dedication and effort taking many, many months and if you've have some tough goals it'll take years, and that's if you're trying to be the best you can be. If you're trying to be like someone else you'll never get there. 

You are normal, FOR YOU! You're not normal for everyone else. No one is normal for everyone else, just for themselves.

Oscar Wilde said it best.