Fantastical Mr Fox

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Lose Weight by sidestepping your shitty willpower

Usually by the second week of January most people's New Years resolutions have ended and been put on to the back burner (again). We start with good intentions but within days the willpower we had somehow has disappeared. Don't feel bad, It's normal and we all find it hard keeping new habits up. 

Research has shown willpower is finite. It doesn't last. Period! Each and every new stress in your day takes a little bit of that finite willpower. By the end of a long day when you're knackered and have zero left relying on willpower to make good food choices ends in you ordering a take away. 

So how can you get better/more willpower? You can't, its impossible don't waste your time trying. Before you start crying in your hands I've put together some tips that sidestep the need to have willpower so you can start to make progress without the need of willpower. 

Excited? Awesome but before you read on heres a huge tip. 

Pick one habit that's the easiest to do from the list and work at it until you don't think about it anymore. I know you're all excited and think you can do more than one at a time but you're wrong. Swallow your ego, change is harder than you think.

Once you get your first new habit down and feel confident about maintaining it, only then pick another habit to layer on top. 

Trust me this shit works! I've coached more clients than I can count. Let go of your ego, be patient and pick one thing. 

Keep crap out of the house

Me and Pringles have this thing going on, I'd say for around 20 years now. If a tub of Pringles is in the house I've got to eat them, like all of them, like now! I simply love them. Every bit of the high fat, processed salty goodness in a convenient shaped chip until they're all gone. 

If there's food in the house you love and can't resist you'll most likely eat it. Motivation and willpower are both short lived, with a constant bombardment of unhealthy goodies around you'll most likely crack. Ever seen a dog resist the temptation of a biscuit in front of him? Yep that's you with your favourite snack. No matter how many times you say no its gonna happen.

So the best thing to do is to completely get rid. Not even hiding them with do, some point you'll break and find them. Take them out of the house and you'll never get the chance to eat them. If you really want something you'll get off your butt and go get it (this'll burn some extra calories too).

Plan you meals ahead of time

No I'm not talking about becoming a Tupperware wanker (see here), I'm suggesting planning your meals for the week. I'm definitely not a person that can waste my Sundays cooking for the week but I do plan what meals I have for the next 7 days. 

At the weekend write down a list of meals you'll be having each day. For example Monday could look like this

Breakfast - Steel cut oats, milk, raisins and a scoop of natural protein power

Lunch - Rocket salad with the works, avocado, chicken and a couple of rolls

Dinner - Home made Chilli with rice

Snacks - protein shake, nuts, fruit

I do this every week, I even have a rolling menu that changes each week for 3 weeks running. I also include 'wild card' meals. These meals are things I'm going to try that I've never had before. If I like the meal and think I could have this regularly it goes in the menu. Its ever changing. Saves you so much money at the supermarket. Plus you'll buy less crap too as its not on the list.

This way when your brain is completely pooped from the week you know you'll still make a healthy food choice. Planning this way means you don't have to use much willpower deciding on meals.

Never go to the shops hungry

Ever been food shopping when you're hungry? What happened? I bet the snack fairy pick up foods you'd never choose and sneaked them in your trolley. 

Simple fact, if you go shopping when you're hungry you'll make poor food choices.

Your body won't give a flying rats arse about your long term weight loss plans it just wants food! Your body's drive for food is much stronger than willpower. Plan to go with when you've just had a meal. You could even go to extremes and shop when you've had something you shouldn't. You'll most probably be super healthy choosing loads of whole foods due to the guilt.

Schedule workouts like they're important interview

Have you ever missed an important meeting? Hopefully not as it was a high priority and your job depending on it. Making workouts a high priority may mean you never miss a session. Hold on to them like its an important interview, think nothing is going to stop me from training today. Set it in your diary and never cancel it. 

Another tip is you make your workouts at the time you know there's less chance you'll miss it. Mornings are great for a lot of people as there's nothing getting in your way. Wake-up, get dressed in to your favourite spandex (ok thats just me then) grab a strong coffee then hit the gym before anything else gets in the way. If you feel most awake mid afternoon and full of energy schedule it then. Love working out with friends in a class after work thats fine too. Just go for the path of least resistance but just ensure you don't miss a workout.

Get a support group

I'm not talking about joining AA but you are the 5 people you spend the most time with, FACT! If you surround yourself with people that love a beer at the end of the day, guess what, you end up having a beer with them (well it would be rude not to). 

Your best friend always grabs a cake with their coffee at Starbucks, yep you've guessed it, you're more likely to grab a cake too. They may even do the "do you fancy a cake" speech. Usually after saying no they'll spend the next minute telling you that it's just once or go on treat yourself you've been good. 

Having a group of friends that has the same goals or likes to maintain a healthy lifestyle you'll most likely do the same. I'm not saying ditch all your unhealthy friends (well maybe that annoying one but that's different) but, if you know some people that seem to want to sabotage your new healthy habits it could be best staying clear for a while. If thats not going to work how about trying to get them to join in with your new healthy habits. That way you stay healthy and they start to get the same benefits.

Keep super heathy snacks at arms length

You know at Christmas when you have a box of chocolates at arms length in every room, what happens? You eat more. Yep even this PT does it. If you're feeling peckish anything at arms length will be the first thing you go for. Remember me earlier with Pringles? Instead surround yourself with super healthy snacks like protein shakes, nuts (not chocolate ones), fruit or whatever floats your boat. This way you will never need to use willpower to stop yourself from eating unhealthy foods as the only thing you can get is the healthy options.

Use your kitchen as your coach - post it notes, photos etc.

Ever seen a sign next to a set of stairs saying 'Take the Stairs'. Most likely if you've passed it regularly you've probably taken the stairs more than before. Keeping things in plain sight will help you stay on track. Having little notes on your fridge saying 'remember the holiday' or taking a before photo and putting it on the cupboard door will be like having your own coach guiding you. It doesn't have to be anything special just something that reminds and helps you to stay on track. For lasting effects change them regularly as seeing the same note loses its power eventually.

Like what you're reading? Awesome big hugs. How about you share this to anyone close to you that you think will like it. If you do I promise a hug will be the first thing you get when you see me next.

Think that its all too much? That's bad but I've the answer for you. Check out my Online Nutrition Coaching service. We cover all the above and so much more. Think of me being your Nutrition Yoda* and you being young Skywalker ready to eat up some knowledge.

Online Nutrition Coaching

* if you have no clue who Yoda is or Skywalker where the hell have you been for the last 30-40 years. You need to go watch Stars Wars (not the awful prequels but the originals from the 70's/80's) before going any further.