Fantastical Mr Fox

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How much progress is enough?

Last Wednesday I was in Sainsburys getting some snacks (yes they were healthy. Well do Reeces Buttercups count?) and the young pup serving me asked a question. 

He wasn't very old maybe about 20. Like most young men out there he had basically zero muscle on his scrawny frame. 

He asked "You work out don't you?"

"Just a little now and again" I replied. 

"Well I'm trying to put on muscle and wondered how long it'll take to see progress?" 

"How long you been training so far?" 

"Err 3 months maybe. On and off" He said knowing I'd be thinking thats not exactly a long time

"Its hard to say but times that by 4 and you should see some significant progress" I said in my best hero voice 

His face dropped. "That long?"

"Yep and the rest. I got to this size in 3-4 years. Then maintaining it after that" I replied proudly. 

The guy up looked like I told him he'd never go to Disney Land. He wanted me to say a few months at the most.

Before I left I tried to ensure him that working on the process (eating well and training hard) will yield him the results he wants but stressing about the time frame too much will get him nowhere. Eat, train, sleep/rest repeat. Measure no and again too ensure its going in the right place.

Thats the thing, people are so impatient. Because of media, especially social media they expect transformations to happen overnight. Take it form me they don't. I've been a PT for nearly 20 years. A quick fix isn't the answer. It takes hard work and dedication. Many months and years to get to where you want. Once there you have to maintain it which then comes another story.

Results can vary from person to person. Some find it easy to loose weight. Some find putting on muscle a breeze. The rest of us get there through hard work and mental toughness over months/years. 

Its really hard to give people a guide as everyone is different. I've tried to sum up a general guide for fat loss and muscle gain. Notice also I'm talking body fat % and lean muscle not just weight. Weight only tells you part of the story. You need to know what you're losing/gaining.

One thing you've go to understand is that if something is getting better, its getting better! That means although your progress is slow you're still making progress. You're better than you were before. Give yourself a quick pat on the back and get down to it some more. Letting your foot off the gas isn't going to help.

If things aren't going well its going to be one of these 3 things

Adherence to the food plan - Not being consistent with healthy eating for your goal will slow progress obviously. However you're decided to eat stick with it until you review. Trying something new and only doing it for 3 days isn't exactly adhering to the plan.

Adherence to the exercise plan - Not sticking to the plan you have. I see this so much. You have to stick to something and try to progress to see results. 2 weeks isn't enough. If you have a plan it should be no less that 4-6 weeks. Even if you think its not working just stick with it and make notes. At least you know it hasn't worked and why giving you the knowledge to change for the next lot of workouts. 

Strategy set out - The eating and exercise plan set out wasn't a good fit for you. If you've great on the first 2 and stuck with the workouts and food plan it could be the type of plan you're following. You won't know unless you stick to the plan (I think I've mentioned this a few times now!). If you have you'll have to analyse, adjust and set a new plan. Over the space of the year you've set many of these plans to reach your goals.

Keep working at it! You will eventually get to where you need to be. I promise! Remember, progress no matter how small, is still progress. Believe in yourself and be patient. I guarantee you'll get there if you stick with it and work hard.