Pre, During and Post Nutrition.......could it help?
You finished your workout at last and feeling pretty pumped!
With a couple of personal bests crossed of the list, now its time to hit the shower. As you leave you notice more than a handful of people drinking what looks like a protein shake and wonder should I be doing that?
Well maybe you should......
The right mixture of macronutritents (proteins and carbohydrates) pre, during and after a workout could make a huge difference to your goals.
They can stimulate better recovery, reduce muscle soreness, increase protein synthesis and reduce body fat.
All this depends on the activity, duration and intensity of the session. Goals, body type and the individuals tolerance to the specific feedings also come into affect.
The main aim with nutrition around a workout is to ensure you have enough energy to train for the session and to help you recover after the session. A point to make is that the research on this subject still isn't conclusive and everyone is different based on the individual as well as their goals.
Below is a basic guide to when and what to eat during your training. These are loosely based on body types.
Taken from Precision Nutrition's manual
When consuming a protein/carbohydrate mix beverage/food some studies suggest it should contains a ratio of 1:2. For example if you are consuming 20g of protein it should be paired with 40g of carbohydrate. Each compliments the other helping the body absorb the consumed nutrients.
Ideally real food needs to be consumed rather than sports supplements as these contain more nutrients to help metabolise the protein and carbohydrates. If this isn't convenient sports supplements like protein/recovery drinks can help.
Supplement companies will sell you the world on the benefits of their shakes, bars etc, but the main component that'll help your fitness goals is great nutrition, done daily.
If you're eating crap all day and expect a workout meal/snack to make the difference you're lying to yourself.
Aim to improve you diet everyday first before start thinking about workout nutrition.